What is Pilates?

Pilates is a method and concept that was created to facilitate muscular flexibility, range of joint movement and proper musculoskeletal alignment (posture). It promotes beneficial neuromuscular patters and heightened body awareness, leading to more precise co-ordination.

Basic principles of Pilates such as breathing, scapula awareness, neck and head placement are to be understood before developing exercises. The principles are the foundation for creating better posture and core strength for exercises you will learn.

Pilates is a great way to rehabilitate your body after an injury as it is a low impact and weight baring type of fitness.

The History of Pilates

Joseph Pilates was born near Düsseldorf and as a child he suffered from asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever, but he overcame his ailments via the study of both eastern and western forms of exercise including yoga, and Greek fitness regimes.

He became proficient at body building, diving, skiing and gymnastics. He also trained prisoners physical fitness and after the war in 1900 was invited  by the government to train the new German army.

In 1926 Joseph and his wife moved to New York to set up the first Pilates studio and many people such as circus performers, gymnasts and dancers attended. It was particularly the dance community who recognised the value of Pilates and the working of the human body, embracing the work of what it could do for their bodies, whether it was for rehabilitation or to enhance their performance.